Mobile Wheelchair Cleaning Service for Greater Sydney, Wollongong, Central Coast and Newcastle
ABN: The Puremark Group Pty Ltd ABN 47654117923
By using the services of PURE WHEELCHAIRS (The Puremark Group Pty Ltd ABN 47654117923), to clean your wheelchair, walker, cushions, mobility scooter or other equipment (“item”) you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions (Terms and Conditions) which may change from time to time without notice.
Pure Wheelchairs will make every reasonable effort to have your items completed within the quoted time frame, however will not be held liable for any delays.
Pure Wheelchairs uses Super Heated Dry Steam and hospital grade microfibre for cleaning wherever possible. Where there are heavy stains, heavy soiling or special infection control procedures required, Pure Wheelchairs will use appropriate cleaning and disinfection processes, in accordance with manufacturer’s guidelines.
Steam will not be used around electronic components. 100% Isopropyl Alcohol will be used near electronic components where other methods of cleaning are not appropriate.
Specialist Pressure Relief Cushions will be treated and cleaned in accordance with manufacturer’s guidelines. In some cases this means that diluted chlorine bleach is required. In some cases, this may mean that additional drying time is required before the cushion is suitable for use.
If there is mould present on your items. We will discuss cleaning options with you and will select the most suitable method based on your equipment and your needs.
The process to remove some stains often requires scrubbing of the fabric. This process may result in visible wear to the fabric and you accept this outcome as a consequence of the cleaning process. Where Pure Wheelchairs determines that application of stain removal or scrubbing will compromise the integrity or functionality of the fabric, or any part of your item, then the process may be ceased at the sole discretion of Pure Wheelchairs and complete stain removal may not be achieved. Pure Wheelchairs therefore does not guarantee that every stain can be removed from any particular item.
Pure Wheelchairs cannot be held liable or responsible for pre-existing weaknesses or defects in items (such as sun fading or deterioration of fabrics or plastics) which may result in tears or holes in fabric that are not readily apparent prior to cleaning by Pure Wheelchairs. Pure Wheelchairs cannot guarantee, and hereby specifically excludes, any liability for any colour loss, colour bleeding, shrinkage, damage to weak and tender fabrics or components including aged or brittle plastics, oxidized (rusted) metals, joints or moving parts. Whilst all care is taken, items containing inherently delicate materials such as leather, suede and vinyl are cleaned by Pure Wheelchairs entirely at your own risk.
Whilst all care is taken and user manuals are consulted, Pure Wheelchairs takes no responsibility for the assembly or reassembly of any items including their sub-components such as wheels, seats, cushions, foot rests, fabrics, straps, clips, fixings, accessories, baskets, harnesses or restraint belts and buckles. Pure Wheelchairs takes no responsibility for the safe assembly, installation and use of any items.
The safe assembly, installation and use of any items (including child restraint seats and infant carriers) are your responsibility and you should check all items for safety and functionality prior to use.
Pure Wheelchairs liability with respect to any damage to items directly caused by Pure Wheelchairs will be limited to the lesser of the cost of Pure Wheelchairs repairing the damaged item(s) or that amount being six (6) times Pure Wheelchairs charge for cleaning that item irrespective of its brand or condition at the time of delivery to Pure Wheelchairs. No claims for damages will be recognised unless you advise Pure Wheelchairs in writing (email or Facebook message is acceptable) of the same within 24 hours of receiving your item back from Pure Wheelchairs.
Pure Wheelchairs hereby specifically excludes any liability or responsibility for any change to or damage caused to your items in the future due to the conditions or packaging in which the items were stored including development of mould, damage caused by moisture or temperature variations or damages caused by pests or vermin.
If for any reason a refund is due to you, Pure Wheelchairs will undertake to directly refund the money to you in cash or by direct debit to your nominated Australian bank account. Any prices or fees quoted for the provisions of any services by or on behalf of Pure Wheelchairs are subject to change without notice.
Pure Wheelchairs reserves the right to charge extra for any additional work that Pure Wheelchairs is required to carry out as a result of any incorrect selection or other error made by you during the booking process, or as a result of you agreeing to services being carried out in addition to those initially quoted.
If you are not 100% satisfied with the services provided to you by Pure Wheelchairs, then Pure Wheelchairs will, at its own choosing, either re-clean your item(s) again at no cost to you, or fully or partially refund your money (in cash or by direct debit to your nominated Australian bank account). This guarantee only applies where you advise Pure Wheelchairs in writing (email or Facebook message is acceptable), including photos of your item(s), within 24 hours of you receiving your item(s), that you are not satisfied with the services.
All due care is taken by Pure Wheelchairs in handling your item(s) and to keep them safe and secure. However, it remains possible that an instance may occur where an item may get misplaced or lost. We therefore ask that you advise Pure Wheelchairs of any issues within 24 hours of first receiving your cleaned items so that Pure Wheelchairs may investigate the matter and make a determination. Pure Wheelchairs liability in regards to any misplaced or lost item shall not exceed six (6) times Pure Wheelchairs charge for cleaning that item irrespective of its brand or condition at the time service. Any claim for loss or damage of any kind to your item must be made within 24 hours of your item being returned to you.
Reviewed 09/2022
It is Pure Wheelchairs policy that participants are satisfied with the quality of the assistance we supply. Complaints will be thoroughly investigated and if the problem proves to be valid, Pure Wheelchairs will take all reasonable steps to deal with the reason/s for the complaint.
All complaints will be considered seriously and addressed accordingly. If the participant is not satisfied with the proposed resolution to their complaint, they will be assisted with conveying it to NDIS.
Pure Wheelchairs treats all complaints as a learning experience and the circumstances and facts will form part of an ongoing worker training process.
Additionally, serious complaints against a Company worker may lead to dismissal if, when investigated, they prove to be factual.
If the complaint proves to be in fact a serious incident, then it will be treated as such and will be reported to NDIS immediately.
How do I complain?
Complaints can be reported to Pure Wheelchairs preferably by email to Pure Wheelchairs or otherwise in writing, via telephone or in person. If the latter, the owner of Pure Wheelchairs should be contacted and asked to attend the address of the complainant. Complaints may be lodged by the participant or their carer or other person responsible for the participant.
If you are worried about making a complaint without disclosing your details, when you contact the owner of Pure Wheelchairs please declare that you wish to remain anonymous.
If you feel that you are not being heard, or Pure Wheelchairs is avoiding your complaint, you can complain to the NDIS. This link explains how - https://www.ndiscommission.gov.au/about/complaints
If you feel that you cannot move forward with the complaint yourself, have a look here -
After you have read this and conclude that you need and independent advocate, you can find a suitable advocate here: -
If the complaint concerns one of Pure Wheelchairs' workers, they should not be informed a complaint will be or has been lodged to allow Pure Wheelchairs to investigate the complaint without the biased input by the worker. These complaints should be lodged directly with Pure Wheelchairs.
Participants may use this form Form 04 (linked) to submit their complaint. If a complaint is received other than in writing, Pure Wheelchairs management should use this form to record the complaint and note they have done so in the space provided. Copies of notes and/or emails should be attached.
Immediately a complaint is received, it will be recorded and dealt with without delay. Form 07 (linked) will be used by Pure Wheelchairs to obtain your consent and to record interview details during the investigation process.
If for any reason you are unhappy with the outcome of your complaint or you consider the incident serious enough and think that Pure Wheelchairs can’t or won’t deal with it correctly then you can lodge a complaint directly with the NDIS Commission.
NDIS Contact details are: 1800 035 544
NDIS form for Escalated Complaints linked here:
servlet/SmartForm.html?formCode=PRD00-OCF https://www.ndiscommission.gov.au/about/complaints